Saturday, May 31, 2008

Swim Meet

Saturday was our first swim meet of the season. We swam in Walnut Creek, as is normal, it was cold and dreary there, until the meet was over, then the sun came out. Because both of our teams are big, the kids only swam two individual events. They all swam Free and Fly. Yes, our kids are all alike.

Sandra conferring with Coach Serge before her fly. She popped her time by 2 seconds.

And looking cute before her relay.

Kyle's fly race. The boy has speed. He also popped his best time by two seconds.

(Kyle is in Ln 4, with the gold cap)

Mindy's cool dive.

Other than the cold, it was a good meet. I rewarded them all for their hard work with a trip to Crepes A-Go-Go, for a yummy lunch. I hope we have more Walnut Creek swim meets.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your impressive performances. It was so fun to see your swim picture. Love, Grandma Cook