Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Very Belated Thanksgiving Week Post

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Update on my conflict

So I thought about this:

Just think what great shape I would be in after carting kids around town. And if they were being bad, I could make them peddle. It even has a luggage rack on top. But unfortunately, I don't think I would ever be in good enough shape to make it to Utah or Washington with less than a year driving time. (Work and school frown on taking that long for vacation)
Another option was:
There are enough seats. There is room to move around while driving. It comes with a stop sign which could be fun to just randomly pop out around town. And, if the payments get hard, we could always supplement our income by undercutting the fees the school district charges parents to bus their kids. But it wouldn't fit into our garage, and I didn't feel like getting the special bus driver, driver's license.
So finally we settled on this: A 2008 Toyota Sienna in a very pretty green color (All the boys hate the color, the girls love it. I won in the color battle.)
Friday, November 09, 2007
My new conflict
It has developed lots of little quirky problems, like the gas light and dinger randomly chiming when the tank is full, like the windshield wipers just arbitrarily taking a wipe. Like the speedometer not registering motion on occasion. These kinds of things just give it personality. They are nothing big.
Lately it seems to be deciding it no longer wants to live with us. Maybe it wants a quieter life, maybe it wants to be put to rest. Last week it upped the ante, when it tried to strand me on 580 while going to the temple. It decided to leak out all its coolant and overheat. Fortunately, my dad was with me at the time, and he was able to save me. Now I have to drive around with a gallon of water and anti-freeze, and frequently check to make sure it isn't trying to pull this little stunt again. Not happy with this result, it decided that instead of letting the blinker come on, it would light up the brake light, when I tried to signal for a turn, and occasionaly refuse to shift gears when I am trying to accelerate.
So here is my dilemna, do I continue to fight with this van, and exert my will over it, knowing that it is upping the ante, and may just do some horrible thing and cause me to be stranded somewhere, or do I give it up, and hope we can find a new vehicle to join our family. Both options cause me much turmoil.
If we keep the van, I will always be stressed and worried that every little noise is a sign of some horrible thing about to happen. However, I won't be so worried about messes in the van. If we get something new, I will be constantly worried about everything around me as I drive, being out to mark it up, I will be worried about anything getting in it, (no food or beverages, other than water, even on long cross-country trips for those messy kids). I will stress that the kids might somehow do something to it. Andrew will be constantly worried about the side-view mirrors, and the side of our garage (ok, he already is, but at least now one is already damaged). I will feel guilty anytime I spend extra money on something not really necessary that could be going to pay off the new vehicle. I will feel greedy wanting anything for Christmas.
If we get a new van, does that mean that our old one wins, or do I win?
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Halloween pics a little late
The Great Gimli also known as Kyle
Mindy and Claire decided to go as twin brides. They even were asked if they were twins while out trick-or-treating. Aren't they just so cute together. To bad twin day at school was two days later, and we wouldn't let them wear their costumes again.