Sunday, July 27, 2008

Belated Cammie Birthday

In all the excitement of our trip this summer, I didn't manage to post about Cammie's 5th birthday.

She had her first party ever with friends over. We borrowed a blow up water slide from a friend, and had a blow up pool for the kids to play in.

After a while she opened presents, then had cupcakes and ice cream cups.

She got a lot of neat new toys from her friends.

It was lots of fun to have so many of her friends from pre-school over and to get to play with them again.

Later in the day, Krystal gave her a special birthday hairdo. It was very cute.

That evening, she got to open presents from her family. She is very good at showing excitement for the camera.

She blew out candles on her birthday cake

(Notice the ballons that caught on fire, she wasn't very happy about that.)
When we got to Utah, she got to open her present from Grandma Cook.

She had a pretty good birthday, and is so excited to finally be 5.


Audry said...

Looks like she had a great party. Jaden was bummed he missed it. We still need to get the gift that we got her to you.

Renee said...

I think I'll try that face next time I open presents!