Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Travis is 14!!!

On September 21, 1994, our first child, Travis Wesley was born.
We were living in Seattle, Andrew was still in grad school, and I was working to support our family.
He is our favorite oldest boy.

I had to return to work a few months after he was born. Andrew was able to stay home with him most of the time. One day I had some film developed, and these pictures appeared. It turned out, that Travis's routine, was to start out in the high chair, sit there for a while eating, then napping, then he went to the bathtub, for as long as he wanted to stay in. Then it all started again, back to the high chair, nap time, and bathtub. Sometimes, he added in the Johnny Jump. This was in the doorway of our apartment, right next to the computer, where Andrew would be doing his schoolwork.

Travis has always been a really cute kid, with a great smile, and adorable curly blond hair.

Over Christmas break, when Travis was 8 we noticed that something just did not seem right with him. On January 3rd, I finally took him to the doctor. The doctor told us to go home, pack a bag and get to Children's Hospital, where we would be staying for a few days to a week. It turned out that Travis had developed Type 1 Diabetes. Fortunately,we caught it before he became too sick, unfortunately it is something that he will have to live with for the rest of his life. This is probably the biggest trial that he has had.

On Sunday, Travis turned 14. He was very excited about the presents he received. And his two little cakes, although he did wonder why he had opted to have the candles spread out between the two, since it made it harder to blow them all out, though he did prevail, and got them all on his first try. In Church, he received his Duty To God Award, and advanced in the Priesthood, to become a Teacher. Now he has to start getting to church even earlier to help prepare the Sacrament, instead of just trying to be there early enough to get one of the spots to pass.


Brigitta said...

He is a cutie, can I say that without embaressing him too much. He really is a handsome boy

Juli said...

Happy Birthday Travis! Cute baby pictures.