Friday, December 07, 2007

Gettting our Christmas Tree

Tonight we all ventured out to the ABC Christmas Tree Lot, to try to get the perfect Christmas tree.

When we arrived I asked all the kids to go find what they thought would be the perfect tree.

The girls all wanted ones their size, the boys, for the biggest on the lot.

Mindy thought we should just get each of them their own tree. That way, Santa could just put each persons presents under their tree and make it easier Christmas morning. I vetoed this, on the grounds that our living room just isn't quite big enough for that many trees. She then thought that they should each get one to put in their rooms. Still not happening Sweetie. Only one tree for this family.

We then went in search of just the right tree. Quite a few years ago, we decided to try getting a tree that was still wrapped up. We figured it would be easier to get on the car and in the house. And it would be fun to unwrap it, and see what it looked like after we got it. You know, add a little suspense and excitement to all. We lucked out that first time, and so we have continued to do it this way ever since. We look for a nicely wrapped tree, that is an even thickness all the way around (so hopefully there are no holes). It also helps to narrow the selection down, and with seven people giving in put, this is a big deal. Although, the workers there, all act like we are crazy when we buy it. Those weird looks just add to the fun.

Our hopefully perfect selection.

The nice tree farm worker, carrying, cutting and loading the tree on the car for us. Aren't we all glad there are people to do this. I told Travis he could have a job doing this when he grows up if he wants. Somehow I don't think he will. Although I bet by the time they go home, their clothes smell very christmasy.

Getting it set up and watching the mystery unfold.

Here the kids are finally using the vacuums they each got for Christmas last year. Hmm, I think eleven months is a little long to start using a present. At least they weren't a total waist of money.

Cammie deciding that she needs to test the tree (just to make sure we will be able to decorate it) with one of the ornaments she painted at the Cook craft day.

Here are the trees I secretly would like to have someday. I think the white is so pretty. In order to get one of these, I will have to wait until all my kids are grown up, then sneak out and buy it by myself.

I am also secretly hoping that Andrew and the kids decorate this tree while I am gone for the weekend.


Celia Fae said...

You got your kids vaccuums for Christmas? I bow down to you.

I think the tradition of buying a pre-wrapped tree is hysterical. I'm glad it works. Don't ever buy everyone their own little tree. I did it once and it looked ugly.

Juli said...

So fun, your tree looks like a good one.

D-dawg said...

Where are you going for the weekend? Great tree. I would be so nervous to do the pre-wrapped up one but it turned out great! I, too, think the white ones are pretty. I hope you get one someday.