Monday, September 17, 2007

Fletcher's Begging Talent

Just now, as I was leaning against the couch, Fletcher went into the pantry and began to whine. I thought he might have wanted a treat, but they were all gone. Then I figured, maybe the pantry still smells like his treats. That was to be proven wrong. When I went in, he just kept on whining, and smelling the shelves. I kept asking him what he wanted, and he put his front paws on a shelf, and started smelling a higher shelf. I took things off the shelf that he might want, to see if he would come after that. Finally I tried the beef jerky, not quite sure that that was what he wanted, but he took one and ate it.
Only about a minute later, he was whining in the pantry again. This made me pretty sure that it was not the beef jerky that he wanted. So again I asked him what he wanted, but he just kept nosing different stuff. And he kept whining........................................................................................... Finally, he put his front paws on a shelf and got up higher. Yep, it was the beef jerky he wanted. I could tell by the way he was nudging it enought to get it onto it's side a little bit.

I got them down, and took them to my mom who was sitting at her desk, and informed her that I was able to confirm that it was the beef jerky that Fletcher wanted. She just said "Well, he''s already had one today", but I supported Fletcher and his whining with a convincing, "C'mon". Mine and Fletchers arguement won, she took out a pice, tore off a third and asked, "What tricks can you do boy? What tricks are you going to do?" He got past this by sitting and shaking without being told. This continued till the stick was gone, and then my mom put them away in the pantry.

Fletcher hasn't been whining since that.


1 comment:

Celia Fae said...

Kyle, please come and train my children. They like jerky too.